Rabu, 26 Desember 2018

Pubg Pc Emotes

It's patch day for playerunknown's battlegrounds on pc - a game valve recently said was the third best selling title in history on steam! the big new additions are an emote system, which no. To use emotes, first bring up the emotes menu by pressing [~] on us keyboards, or [`] on european ones - either way, it's the key that's under your esc key in the top left of the keyboard that it. A new update has been released for playerunknown’s battlegrounds, also known as pubg, on pc, adding a couple n ew features and improving performance. the biggest new addition of the update are.

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Playerunknown's battlegrounds' latest pc update introduces emotes, achievements, and more. "pc 1.0 update #7 has been released on live game servers," the game's official twitter account announced. Earlier this week, pubg corp. revealed its 2018 roadmap for its highly-popular battle royale game playerunknown’s battlegrounds. this roadmap stated that the game would receive an all-new emote. As promised in last week's roadmap post, playerunknown's battlegrounds now has emotes, steam achievements and an in-game friends list.rolled out today, pubg's pc update #7 is live. because when.

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